Terms and Conditions

Swimming Pool Admission Policy




Wheal Rodney Holiday Park’s swimming pool admission policy.

Wheal Rodney Swimming Pool is a small private pool that does NOT have lifeguards on poolside, therefore all pool users are responsible for their own safety.

As a general rule, these are our guidelines:

  • Adults requiring assistance to enter the pool but who are competent swimmers (can swim two lengths comfortably with no aids) do not need to be accompanied in the water but will be required to have a companion on poolside to assist with entry and exit from pool, changing rooms, etc. who should remain in constant contact at all times . Ratio of 1:1

  • Adults who need the assistance of a carer in the water will require the carer to have a lifesaving qualification or for a lifeguard to be employed poolside for the duration of the time spent in pool. Ratio of 1:1 in water. Due to limitation of shallow area the maximum amount of non-swimming adults in the water with accompanying carers at any time is two. If a pool lifeguard is poolside, the two carers in the water do not need lifesaving qualifications, but should be capable swimmers.

  • Risk assessments If you are employed in the capacity of a carer for swimmers you will need to carry out a risk assessment for the activity before using the pool a help can be given with this by contacting us prior to your holiday/visit here. Carers will need to receive and show an understanding of the Normal Operating Procedures (NOP) and Emergency Operating Procedures (EAP). A copy of your Employers’ insurance for the activity may be required. If it is identified by the pool operator that a lifeguard qualification is required by the carer for the safety of the adult non-swimmer, this should also be produced.

  • Children. All children under 16 must be accompanied in the swimming pool by a responsible adult over 18 years of age at all times, irrespective of the child’s swimming ability, with a maximum of 2 children per adult. If a child is under 4 and not wearing buoyancy aids, then this ratio increases to 1:1.

  • An adult can supervise 3 children, provided that all 3 children are 11yrs old or above and are competent swimmers. The adult must supervise the children 100% of the time.

  • Babies/Toddlers/Children who are not toilet trained MUST wear a swim nappy. These are available from our reception desk when paying for your swim for only 60p. Failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the pool immediately and may result in you being turned away from our pool in the future.

Water can be a dangerous environment, so we must insist that the following points are observed:

  • Staff will REFUSE entry to anyone that they feel is not fully capable of being responsible completely for their own safety in the changing rooms, on poolside and in the water;

  • Staff will REFUSE entry to anyone who they feel may not wish to comply with our pool safety rules;

  • Staff will REFUSE entry to anyone who may appear to be under the influence of alcohol;

  • Staff will REFUSE entry to anyone who will not comply with the children/adult or adult/carer ratios and rules;

  • Staff will REFUSE entry, or ask to leave the pool, any parent or carer who staff feel will not, or is not keeping constant contact or behaving responsibly towards their charges.

  • By using the pool users acknowledge full understanding of the pool rules and the responsibility for those in their care

  • Adult non-swimmers MUST be accompanied by a fully able swimming companion. Adult non-swimmers MUST stay within standing depth at the shallow end of the pool. Adult non-swimmers MUST wear a flotation device approved by the pool operator. Ratio of 1:1.

  • Adults with restricted mobility who may require assistance poolside and in the water as each case is individual and should be treated as such, we will give any help and advice that we can.

  • All swimmers must wear age appropriate swimming wear.

Every help will be given so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of swimming in the lovely warm pool here at Wheal Rodney Holiday Park, however the safety of our guests is of paramount importance! Therefore the staff at Wheal Rodney Holiday Park have the final word on admission.